• Question: What happens if you take too many protein tablets?

    Asked by 379furk43 to Chris, Joanne, Kathryn, Kieran, Sarah on 8 Nov 2017.
    • Photo: Sarah Guerin

      Sarah Guerin answered on 8 Nov 2017:

      Great question, I was talking to someone about this yesterday! If you take too much protein tablets/powder, it can be bad for your kidneys, and if you don’t exercise while taking lots of protein it can just result in more fat in your body. Protein tablets should only be taken by people who are trying to body build, and everyone needs different amount depending on your height/age/weight.

    • Photo: Chris Werner

      Chris Werner answered on 8 Nov 2017:

      Well too much of anything is bad for you, yes even broccoli and spinach. That doesn’t mean stop eating veg, we’re talking about eating nothing but broccoli and spinach over a really prolonged period of time. Sarah’s hit the nail on the head there, bad on the kidneys. That’s why its good to have a good balanced diet!

    • Photo: Joanne Duffy

      Joanne Duffy answered on 14 Nov 2017:

      What the guys said! Your kidneys are what takes the hit when you have too much protein. There’s a recent obsession with the over consumption of protein, but really you don’t need it unless you’re looking to build huge quantities of muscle. A balanced diet and plenty of varied exercise are the best thing!
